Thursday, May 5, 2016

Home again

So I did terribly at keeping up with the blog this time. My only excuse is that there was too much to see and we were tired at the end of each day, often eating at 9 at night. All completely worth it and our time away was great.

Derek's graduation weekend started out with 5 students being baptized in the river. Guess that gives me a whole new perspective on a cold baptismal. It was in the mid 40's outside. Can't imagine how cold the river was. The testimonies of God's movement in their lives was incredibly moving. We hung out for dinner and enjoyed the difference that a school year had brought. From the awkwardness of everyone being new to each other to now lifelong friends, the dining room had a whole new "feel" to it. Laughter and tears and memories of the past year were flowing as students anticipated graduating and yet dreaded departing. Graduation was as typical as it could get for a non-typical school Seems kind of par for the course for how we've chosen to educate our kids and was full of moments that were sweet and good. At the end 50+ students crowded onto the stage steps and sang their class song - I'll try to post the video below. You'll really have to look for Derek - he is in the back behind the set of twins with brown hair on the right. His hair is pulled back.

We stayed way later than we should have that day but it was worth it. Derek was able to spend time with his friends for the last time. And we had a sweet God sightings and encounters with with families and parents and students. You'll just have to ask us in person for those stories - too much to write here.

We finally left and made our way to Salt Lake City. We stopped at a cool little place just outside the Tetons for dinner. Another amazing drive. We arrived at our hotel after 11 and pretty much went straight to bed. We woke to a beautiful sunny day and as we were on the ground floor, a little patio. As I pulled back the curtains to see our surroundings, we were met with a sweet surprise of a pond and ducks and snow covered peaks. We traveled to Goblin Valley State Park and explored Mushroom valley for a bit. Then we headed to Moab and hiked to Corona Arch.

Finally on Monday we began the trek over to Denver to catch our flight back to Philadelphia. I might have left my wallet in the rental car and it might have meant for a crazy kind of hour while I attempted to go through airport security without an I.D. Might I suggest that's not the way to travel. By God's grace, I made it through and we made it to the gate with 10 minutes to spare. We had a beautiful flight home and landed in the pouring rain. I called the right hotel at the wrong location to pick us up at the hotel. Definitely on a roll... sigh. We pulled into our house in Dauphin at 1:30 am. We are still readjusting to time zone changes - ok, the reality is that I am still adjusting. Duane and Derek seem impervious to that.

It's good to be home. It's even better to have my son back - it's crazier and wilder and sweeter already.  Really awesome to see all that God has done in his life and thankful, ever so thankful that he is a good, good Father and always at work.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Destination: Badlands, SD

We moved a little slower this morning - only rolling out of bed at 7ish and hitting the road at 9. We left our really awesome stay over spot. More like glamping  (glamorous camping). Super cool spot with the new owners looking toprovide great accommodations and a desire to connect with each person and help them during their stay. Was kind of cool how invested they were in each person that stayed there. So if ever you are in Boulder and need a place to stay, check out Boulder Adventure Lodge (A-Lodge). It helps a lot that they are in a canyon and a huge creek runs through the property and they sit at the base of one of the rocky mtns. Tag Lines for those of you that like the extra challenge, campfires, outdoor hot tub, pavilions.... worth checking out.

Signs were throughout the canyon area to climb if a flash flood hits. Literally no where else to go except up. I know my pictures won't capture it well, but one quickly realizes how a flash flood could quickly bring one to their end unless willing to climb.

Probably the best stop of the day was in a little town of LaGrange, NE. Population of 400ish. Small town America at it's best (ok maybe not best). We needed to mail some postcards, so Duane dropped into the very busy post office where he's certain that Thelma and Mary Sue read every post card brought in before delivering them to the pony express. We walked into the town's grocery store that had maybe 1/4 of the shelves filled. Hmmm... what's for dinner. I found a not so good sale on a 6 pack (of soda).

Across the "road" was Frontier Bible School which was basically bigger than the entire town - guessing that's how their population is at 400 people. Good times...

Duane incessantly watched his gas mileage - who put that in cars anyway? Somebody get that man a car that runs on Tesla batteries!! And something happened to his hearing or he's forgotten which way is right and which is left. 

We entered the poorest section of Nebraska right on the border. As we sailed past the small South Dakota state sign, we sighed and Duane did a U-turn so I could get a picture. Proved to be a less than exciting move, when a police car began to tail us for the next umpteen miles. Finally, he flew past us, but not before causing a little anxiety for Duane. Take a deep breath. Oh wait, not for long. There's the monument/site of the Massacre of Wounded Knee. We pull off to read the sign. Duane smartly realized we were about to be swindled by all the Native Americans (and yeah, I'm part Cherokee so it's ok for me to say that) sitting and waiting for tourists to pull in so they can beg for money. A quick picture and already they were out of their vehicles and heading towards us. Quickly, we were on our way again.

We crossed back and forth over parts of the Badlands - beautiful. And no, my pictures will not portray it well, but I tried. We attempted to get to the main ranger station (who knows now if there really is one). Our GPS tried to take us down a restricted side road. So onward we went. Of course no cell service at this point. The longer we are driving the more uncomfortable I became - not the right direction. Finally enough cell service to get a new GPS reading, another U-turn and we were on our way towards Rapid City and our hotel. Wait... What is with that dinosaur?

Finally arrived at our hotel (maybe there was one more U-turn in there and "right, honey, right"). It is freezing cold here! So glad I caved and packed winter jackets. We're talking in the 30's and windy. Brrr... We ate at a cool brewery in town tonight. Beat out the Mexican place from last night.

That about sums up the excitement of the day. Tomorrow we are headed out bright and early to go see our boy. It's time. We miss him and, gasp, he misses us too.

Till then...

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Destination: Boulder, CO

I'm convinced that no one should arise at 4.45 am.  Really not much more to say about that. We arrived at the airport at 5.45 only to realize that Duane forgot to put the parking tag on our vehicle. But God graciously provided a shuttle driver who was more than happy to tape the tag to our car window. Mornings are crazy at the Philly airport. Security lines long and a 45 minute wait on the runway (Duane might have fallen asleep). But finally on our way.

We arrived in Denver at 10.30 (mountain time), picked up our car and hit the road for Boulder. You'll see some pics below of our hike. Full of spectacular views, it was worth all the climbing and huffing and puffing from hiking in higher elevations and ascending an extra 1300 ft. We did the Chataugua trail, Flatirons Loop, Royal Arch and Bluebird Mesa (made a loop). We're pretty much mush tonight but it was worth it.

We found a cool little mexican place to eat at and I thought it would be great to eat on the upper floor.... Oh right that means more stairs.

Tomorrow, we're heading to the Badlands in South Dakota - since we have a 7 hr. drive, I should be able to get another post posted in the morning. Enjoy the pics and thanks for joining us.