Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Destination: Boulder, CO

I'm convinced that no one should arise at 4.45 am.  Really not much more to say about that. We arrived at the airport at 5.45 only to realize that Duane forgot to put the parking tag on our vehicle. But God graciously provided a shuttle driver who was more than happy to tape the tag to our car window. Mornings are crazy at the Philly airport. Security lines long and a 45 minute wait on the runway (Duane might have fallen asleep). But finally on our way.

We arrived in Denver at 10.30 (mountain time), picked up our car and hit the road for Boulder. You'll see some pics below of our hike. Full of spectacular views, it was worth all the climbing and huffing and puffing from hiking in higher elevations and ascending an extra 1300 ft. We did the Chataugua trail, Flatirons Loop, Royal Arch and Bluebird Mesa (made a loop). We're pretty much mush tonight but it was worth it.

We found a cool little mexican place to eat at and I thought it would be great to eat on the upper floor.... Oh right that means more stairs.

Tomorrow, we're heading to the Badlands in South Dakota - since we have a 7 hr. drive, I should be able to get another post posted in the morning. Enjoy the pics and thanks for joining us.

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