Wednesday, August 26, 2015

oh yeah, that happened too...

Forgot about the hotel tomfoolery and shenanigans for the last night... One more pillow fight.

And the word for the day...

Uber. Uber soft towels, uber clean bathroom, uber fresh fruit at breakfast, uber, well everything. At least according to Duane.

We're about to hit the 5000 mile mark. Not too shabby in 10 days considering that we've only driven 7 of those days... Our home away from home is soon to go back to being our mode of transportation. I've enjoyed road tripping immensely- always do. Traveling with these crazies has been a lot of fun. 

We're back to the sights we are accustomed to seeing and so pictures have slowed down. 

The creation museum was pretty cool and worth a visit if you're ever in the area.  

We received good news yesterday that we can really and truly close on our house on Friday! All paperwork has finally been straightened out and cleared and we are set. I know many of you have prayed towards that for us, so thank you!

This will probably be my last post. Thanks for traveling along with us - hope you enjoyed. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

While Gus rested at the hotel...

Yesterday was a long day (12 hours) after a long day (11 hours). Sore and car weary is a nice way of putting it.

Bright spots in our day... Stories from Paul on growing up (may have included yarn and a desk). Moline, IL was our one stop for the day. We tried hard to make it to the John Deere Pavilion before it closed but we just missed it - too many construction sections, line painting and... Didn't really matter, we still were able to see a lot as they had many things outside and we could easily see the inside. Moline was a cool little town. We went to our favorite restaurant of the trip there. We've been trying to only hit local joints and we've hit on a bunch of good ones and only one sketchy one that we didn't enter. So yeah, if you're ever in Moline be sure to hit up Barrel House. Awesome atmosphere and great food. 

The landscape was as varied as any of our days - from sagebrush and arid countryside to Minnesota's multiple lakes, grasslands, mountains and acres and acres of farmland. We live in a beautiful country. Been pretty awesome to just take it all in and to reflect on the One who made it and sustains it all. 

We rolled into our hotel around 10 last night. The advertised sparkling pool was closed. The uber plush towels really weren't. But the beds were good and we slept well and long. The elevator does not work but definitely provided some laughs. 

When you've sat all day, you need to move, so where else do you make a midnight run? Walmart of course....

We're on the road again. Only 3.5 hours today. We're headed to the Creation Museum and making the pace slower today. We're into Indiana and just passed back into EST! Oh look there's another tractor...

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Pillow fights..

I forgot to post these earlier... in honor of hotel room fun. Epic failure pillow fights


Below you'll find words and sentences from each of us about the day. Want to join the fun? Pick out a phrase and tell us who you think said it and put it in the comments below. 

Fargo is just sooo amazing and I really love these people. (We aren't there yet). Gluten free people... (Really?) enjoy gluten free wheat. You all need to watch Fargo the movie... Yah. Why is Gus talking in a Pennsylvania Dutch accent? Why did Gus serve my garlic cheesy tops  onto the floor? There are many white horses in Montana. I get to go again. Are we there yet? We're not in Fargo.. yet. Where's the closest car wash? My hair was dry when I went to bed last night. Who's going to win the "who's going to replace Derek (gas production)" game? Do you have free breakfast? Does Paul always sleep with head back and mouth open? I got to pee. Is there a booger on my nose? This is so much fun now that Derek's not here (said no Shenk ever). Are we doing laundry tonight? No more clean underwear. Who are you texting Paul? Who do you think? You are not taking 75 lbs of wheat with you. Did you fart again? Roll down the windows quick. There's a John Deere plant right there. Wonder how they got that fence there? Duane babe. It wasn't me. Stop
The fun why don't you. Oonyong. Are there yet? Which one will he pick and when? Wait where's the free continental

On the road again... Maybe

We've got almost 11 hours of travel in front of us today. It's 9:44 and we are still in Great Falls... Because... we went to the hotel and found out our free breakfast with our room didn't actually exist. So we decided to wash the car (which was only partially successful - the dust is crazy out here esp considering that we did about 30 miles on dirt roads yesterday). Then we stopped at the most amazing breakfast spot (Wheat Montana) and got sucked in by 1/2 pound cinnamon rolls (meaning I've never  seen any so large), Montana Wheat and more. Then there was the gas stop that we needed to make where we scrubbed off the windows after the car wash.... Fargo, hopefully we see you before midnight.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Letting go...

So I was kind of quiet today. It was a day to reflect and to look forward. To think back on all that God has done in our son. How he has been a blessing in our lives from the first day we knew we were pregnant. He's Derek, so it's also been adventurous, hair-raising, eye rolling, laughable, sweet, sketchy, shake our heads, humbling, a privilege and a joy. I mean who can forget peanut shells and foxes, black bears and army clothes, star wars and legos, paintball and sliding (that incessant sliding on the kitchen floor), total goof and total sap (not many know that side of him), chatterbox and reflective, the guy that is a ridiculous and silly and yet gentle with kids and elderly. It's pretty awesome to see all that God has done, how he has shaped him, given him a love for learning, a desire to overcome and a passion to serve him.

Because of that it is simpler to look at the present and to know that he is in a place that is the right fit for him. It's so amazing how God brings about His plans and prepares us and makes us ready, even when we don't even yet understand it all. 9 months ago when we were just beginning the process there were still many unknowns and variables, even obstacles. But God graciously has worked through each and every thing and brought about His good plan. The school is amazing. The scenery and setting are suited perfectly to Derek. The passion and heart of the people for God and the students is incredible. And yes, we read all that on paper and on their website, but there is something about being at a place where words and thoughts become tangible and palpable and it all comes together.

So yeah, we'll miss his voice and smile, his goofiness and definitely his hair (did I say he has the best hair on campus - he'd want me to mention that), but it's easier knowing that he's right where he needs to be and where God's placed him for the time being to grow and become all that God wants him to be.

It's been a great trip so far and we still have more adventures left - hope you'll keep following us along the way. For instance today, the guys wanted to show Duane and I the bathhouse, as we walked in, I said - "girl in the building..." no response. Being me, I walked on ahead - oh oops - yeah not empty. I plowed into the guys in my attempt to get out.... Gosh really? Sigh...