Saturday, August 22, 2015

Letting go...

So I was kind of quiet today. It was a day to reflect and to look forward. To think back on all that God has done in our son. How he has been a blessing in our lives from the first day we knew we were pregnant. He's Derek, so it's also been adventurous, hair-raising, eye rolling, laughable, sweet, sketchy, shake our heads, humbling, a privilege and a joy. I mean who can forget peanut shells and foxes, black bears and army clothes, star wars and legos, paintball and sliding (that incessant sliding on the kitchen floor), total goof and total sap (not many know that side of him), chatterbox and reflective, the guy that is a ridiculous and silly and yet gentle with kids and elderly. It's pretty awesome to see all that God has done, how he has shaped him, given him a love for learning, a desire to overcome and a passion to serve him.

Because of that it is simpler to look at the present and to know that he is in a place that is the right fit for him. It's so amazing how God brings about His plans and prepares us and makes us ready, even when we don't even yet understand it all. 9 months ago when we were just beginning the process there were still many unknowns and variables, even obstacles. But God graciously has worked through each and every thing and brought about His good plan. The school is amazing. The scenery and setting are suited perfectly to Derek. The passion and heart of the people for God and the students is incredible. And yes, we read all that on paper and on their website, but there is something about being at a place where words and thoughts become tangible and palpable and it all comes together.

So yeah, we'll miss his voice and smile, his goofiness and definitely his hair (did I say he has the best hair on campus - he'd want me to mention that), but it's easier knowing that he's right where he needs to be and where God's placed him for the time being to grow and become all that God wants him to be.

It's been a great trip so far and we still have more adventures left - hope you'll keep following us along the way. For instance today, the guys wanted to show Duane and I the bathhouse, as we walked in, I said - "girl in the building..." no response. Being me, I walked on ahead - oh oops - yeah not empty. I plowed into the guys in my attempt to get out.... Gosh really? Sigh...

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