Wednesday, August 26, 2015

And the word for the day...

Uber. Uber soft towels, uber clean bathroom, uber fresh fruit at breakfast, uber, well everything. At least according to Duane.

We're about to hit the 5000 mile mark. Not too shabby in 10 days considering that we've only driven 7 of those days... Our home away from home is soon to go back to being our mode of transportation. I've enjoyed road tripping immensely- always do. Traveling with these crazies has been a lot of fun. 

We're back to the sights we are accustomed to seeing and so pictures have slowed down. 

The creation museum was pretty cool and worth a visit if you're ever in the area.  

We received good news yesterday that we can really and truly close on our house on Friday! All paperwork has finally been straightened out and cleared and we are set. I know many of you have prayed towards that for us, so thank you!

This will probably be my last post. Thanks for traveling along with us - hope you enjoyed. 

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