Tuesday, August 25, 2015

While Gus rested at the hotel...

Yesterday was a long day (12 hours) after a long day (11 hours). Sore and car weary is a nice way of putting it.

Bright spots in our day... Stories from Paul on growing up (may have included yarn and a desk). Moline, IL was our one stop for the day. We tried hard to make it to the John Deere Pavilion before it closed but we just missed it - too many construction sections, line painting and... Didn't really matter, we still were able to see a lot as they had many things outside and we could easily see the inside. Moline was a cool little town. We went to our favorite restaurant of the trip there. We've been trying to only hit local joints and we've hit on a bunch of good ones and only one sketchy one that we didn't enter. So yeah, if you're ever in Moline be sure to hit up Barrel House. Awesome atmosphere and great food. 

The landscape was as varied as any of our days - from sagebrush and arid countryside to Minnesota's multiple lakes, grasslands, mountains and acres and acres of farmland. We live in a beautiful country. Been pretty awesome to just take it all in and to reflect on the One who made it and sustains it all. 

We rolled into our hotel around 10 last night. The advertised sparkling pool was closed. The uber plush towels really weren't. But the beds were good and we slept well and long. The elevator does not work but definitely provided some laughs. 

When you've sat all day, you need to move, so where else do you make a midnight run? Walmart of course....

We're on the road again. Only 3.5 hours today. We're headed to the Creation Museum and making the pace slower today. We're into Indiana and just passed back into EST! Oh look there's another tractor...

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