Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wall Drug and other sights and... smells

Let's just say that the day has included over 600 miles on a straight (and I mean straight) road, a lot of rain, too much construction, crazy winds, slips of sunshine, fields upon fields of sunflowers, the smell of too many bad things (including the feet of whoever has them up on the console at the time and more natural gas than should be natural and bagged tuna and grain bins and....), many many signs for wall drug and corn fields without end. And it's also been full of conversation about poop while consuming said tuna, talk of tractors, the poop game (is it surprising that I am traveling with all males) snoring, rough housing in the backseat, forays into sketchy gas stations and true country stores. Almost to our destination for the day... Loving every moment of it (well almost) and the people who are sharing the journey.

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