Sunday, August 23, 2015


Below you'll find words and sentences from each of us about the day. Want to join the fun? Pick out a phrase and tell us who you think said it and put it in the comments below. 

Fargo is just sooo amazing and I really love these people. (We aren't there yet). Gluten free people... (Really?) enjoy gluten free wheat. You all need to watch Fargo the movie... Yah. Why is Gus talking in a Pennsylvania Dutch accent? Why did Gus serve my garlic cheesy tops  onto the floor? There are many white horses in Montana. I get to go again. Are we there yet? We're not in Fargo.. yet. Where's the closest car wash? My hair was dry when I went to bed last night. Who's going to win the "who's going to replace Derek (gas production)" game? Do you have free breakfast? Does Paul always sleep with head back and mouth open? I got to pee. Is there a booger on my nose? This is so much fun now that Derek's not here (said no Shenk ever). Are we doing laundry tonight? No more clean underwear. Who are you texting Paul? Who do you think? You are not taking 75 lbs of wheat with you. Did you fart again? Roll down the windows quick. There's a John Deere plant right there. Wonder how they got that fence there? Duane babe. It wasn't me. Stop
The fun why don't you. Oonyong. Are there yet? Which one will he pick and when? Wait where's the free continental

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