Friday, August 21, 2015

Boulders, Dash Inn, Malts, scenic stops and bloody knees...

It's a tuckered group that rolled into wapiti lodge tonight around 11. Our day was full. Our morning trek to the ranch and stop off in Sturgis for lunch. After that we hit the road thinking we would do a quick stop at Devils Tower. A quick stop turned into climbing the Boulder field to the base of the tower and some hiking. I'll let the pictures do the talking - simply amazing. It was hazy today so I can only imagine what the view must be like on a clear day. We moved down the road a ways until we came to Buffalo, WY where we ate a Dash Inn. Let's just say that we provided this local establishment with plenty of entertainment regarding malts and milkshakes. 

Moving way slower in our travels than we anticipated, we stopped once again at a scenic overlook in bighorn national park.  As we pulled over to get pictures from midway up the amazing mountainside Derek and Gus  decided to run up the other side of the embankment to use God's lavatory. Didn't end very well when Gus slammed his knee into rock so we became a first aid center instead. Note that he also injured his hand on the bottom of the pool the other night. I am amazingly still free of injury or any crazy klutziness (unless you count the sidewalk edge that I nearly fell off tonight). 

We made it around 11 to our home for the next 2 nights and are thankful to land in beds that are amazing. Even more, for me at least the trip brings to mind the grandeur of our God who didn't have to provide any of the variety that we are seeing but he did because it brings him glory. How amazing to think that he longs to be in right relationship with each of us and wants to use us - who are we in the grand scheme of things? And yet he chooses us to be his. That is more beautiful than all the landscapes we'll ever see. 

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